Legal Notice
Christopher (Alex MUTSHEKE)
142 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001
SIRET : 804 095 248 00030
Phone : +33 6 26 04 20 05
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PlanetHoster company
SIRET : 53740792600014
4416 Rue Louis B. Mayer, Laval,
Phone : +33 (0)1 76 60 41 43
Content accessible on the site are mostly digital reproductions of works in the public domain from search engines and free image banks.
Their reuse falls within the framework of law n ° 78-753 of July 17, 1978 :
– The non-commercial reuse of this content is free and open in compliance with the legislation in force and in particular the maintenance of the reference in force to the source.
– Commercial reuse of this content is chargeable and licensed. Commercial reuse is the sale of content in the form of developed products or the provision of a service.
All the others made for the site govern intellectual property rights.
Reminder: intellectual property code (extracts):
Art. L.335-2. Any edition of writings, musical composition, drawing, painting or any other production printed or engraved in whole or in part, in defiance of the laws and regulations relating to the property of the authors, is an infringement; and any counterfeiting is a crime. Counterfeiting in France of works published in France or abroad is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros. The debit, export and import of counterfeit works will be punished with the same penalties
Art. L.335-3. Est également un délit de contrefaçon toute reproduction, représentation ou diffusion, par quelque moyen que ce soit, d’une oeuvre de l’esprit en violation des droits de l’auteur, tels qu’ils sont définis et réglementés par la loi. Est également un délit de contrefaçon la violation de l’un des droits de l’auteur de logiciel.
Conformément à la Loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et de suppression des données vous concernant.
Digital agency specializing in communication and website creation
SIRET : 91039887400016
Address : 30 rue Aubrays 36000 Châteauroux
Phone : +33 9 50 89 00 08